Man accidentally mistakes wife’s farting for thunderstorms

Posted in laughs / humor.

Yesterday afternoon, up in Scotland, the forecast had suggested thunderstorms were on their way.

A 40 year old bloke from Glasgow said he heard “giant thunder rumbles like it was coming from an almighty thunderstorm”. However later it was discovered that he got it all wrong.


He rang up a weather geek to enquire about the strange noises, and put up a post on facebook saying “huge thunderstorm rippling through here in Glasgow”.

He later rang up the weather office stating “I heard loud rumbling and rippling noises today.” The meteorologist said “perhaps you had too much Vindaloo”.

His friends seemed bemused as they could not hear any storms. They asked the man if he had been drinking. He said he wasn’t drunk, but he was only tipsy after 4 bottles of Scotch tipsy.

Upon investigation, it seems that the bloke was wrong and in fact it was his wife, not him, that was trumping who had made the strange noises. Certainly rippling through alright. His wife had been suffering of IBS. Please be careful when you read the weather reports!