Rain finally hits Australia – putting out serious bushfires

The latest rainfall radar imagery from Australia shows that heavy rain showers are currently affecting the south east of the country – the area that has been so badly hit by bush fires in recent weeks. The following weather radar images, showing both cloud (depicted by grey colors) and rainfall (via the bright colors), show that cloud and rain are currently moving into the south east of the country, especially in Victoria.

The good news is that those searing hot and windy conditions that fueled severe bush fires within recent weeks are not likely to return in the near future. That doesn’t discount the risk, however, of further bush fires.

Many areas are still under warning statuses, as visible on this site. The following temperature anomaly chart shows that near normal temperatures are expected across the Victoria region this Friday, representative of much of this week.

Whilst the bush fire activity looks to be calminating and reducing somewhat, that doesn’t discount the risk of further bush fires later in the season. It’s still only mid January, mid Summer for the region, and there’s still around 2 months, or 8 weeks, of summer weather to go. This means that further bush fires are likely, so please do keep a close eye on governmental warnings issued in the coming days / weeks.