Heavy Snow in New York City tonight as Winter Storm Jacob rages east

Winter Storm Jacob is continuing to bring heavy snow to central and northern portions of the U.S.

The snowfall accumulation chart we issued a few days ago (visible below) is still likely to be a close call, with most of the significant accumulations across the Lakes, northern plains and sections of the north east. Of course, Blizzard Warnings are still in force for the Dakotas and western Minnesota where over 12″ of snow has accumulated in places, with wind producing blizzard like conditions here.

As the Winter Storm heads east, which it will only do quite slowly, it will continue to dump snowfall accumulations. Many portions of the Great Lakes are likely to get close to or above 12″, locally. Lake effect enhancement may produce even greater totals on the eastern side of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, possibly near 18″ locally.

The wintry mix will continue on Sunday in the North East, depositing a mix of freezing rain and snow. The snow is likely to turn to rain along the I95 corridor, and east of it, producing slick conditions.

Do be aware of the risk of some ice accumulation, with winter storm warnings extending down the Appalachian mountain range, for the risk of both ice and snow accumulation.

Snowfall for NYC tonight

New York City is also at risk of some snow accumulation this evening, between mid day and midnight tonight (18th January). Near 5cm (2″) could accumulate within the city, before rain arrives into the early hours. This could produce some freezing of rain and therefore ice in this area. However, further inland in New York state, i.e. in Albany, and northwards towards Canada, expect an all snow event, with major snowfall accumulations of 10″ or more locally.

The snow will eventually clear off on Monday to leave a legacy of very cold Arctic air and snow flurries in the Lakes. Some of these snow flurries could become persistent on the south eastern side of the lakes producing the risk of localized high snowfall accumulations of 12″ or more, though this will be localized in nature.

Think the snow you have is a lot? Check out the snow in Newfoundland, Canada! Credit: Lynn Ann Pye in St. John’s, Newfoundland

Do take care on the roads, and pay close attention to NOAA warnings issued over the next few days.