Red Alert issued as UK beaches “Packed to the brim”

A red alert has been issued for Bournemouth beach as yet again the town has been left inundated by visitors. Bournemouth Council issued the alert, saying that people were unable to socially distance. This is turn has put added pressure on the town’s resources. People have been discouraged from visiting the seaside resort.

During the last heatwave in June/July, UK councils warned that if people continued to gather in large numbers, local restrictions may be put in place.

Images posted to twitter show large amounts of visitors who appear to be within close proximity, however the angle at which these photographs are taken can make people appear closer.

Following concerns raised, the health secretary, Matt Hancock, has warned that the government has power to close the beaches if folk can’t be sensible during their time at the beach.

He states that if the number of cases of Covid19 increases again, the government will “take action”.

It is yet unclear just what this action may look like, however several have hinted that it may results in reduced visitor numbers or even closure of popular sections of beaches to help prevent further overcrowding.

The events yesterday and particularly on Wednesday night were also met with several arrests following antisocial behavior. A major incident was also declared in the Bournemouth area yesterday following the presence of large crowds of people.

As more Brits holiday at home due to necessity, perhaps we can expect more of the same this Summer. Perhaps it is time for measures to be taken to prevent overcrowding? Let us know what you think.