2 dogs rescued from UK car after being left over 40C for over 2 hours

2 dogs were rescued from Looe beach, Cornwall, on Saturday evening after being left inside a black car for over 2 hours in direct sunlight. Temperatures at the time were well over 30C and car temperatures were likely near 50C. These temperatures are extremely dangerous to life for dogs.

(Image credit: BPM media) This image shows traffic wardens approaching the vehicle following the smashing of the vehicle window to rescue the 2 dogs. It is reported that the dogs are now safe and have been given water.

Remember the dangers of leaving pets & people in cars in the heat. Temperatures will rocket and it is threatening to life. Last year over 1,000 phonecalls were made to the AA alone regarding concern for dogs left in heated vehicles. Even at modest temperatures of 20C outside, with direct sunlight the inside of a vehicle can quickly rise to over 35C which is very challenging for dogs and other pets to cope with.