Hurricane Laura claims first life as tree falls on 14 year old girl

LATEST UPDATE – Hurricane Laura. Category 2 hurricane. Maximum sustained winds: 100mph. Movement north at 15mph now through Alexandria, LA, producing surface winds of 48mph with gusts of 79mph.

Last night Hurricane Laura made a catastrophic landfall on the Louisiana coastline at Cameron, with sustained winds of 150mph on impact. The damage reports from Lake Charles are severe with reports of around 50% of structures suffering severe damage with around 70% of structures suffering at least minor to moderate damage.

The Louisiana Gov has now reported that sadly a 14 year old girl died when a tree fell on here home last night. There are fears the death toll could be significantly higher with search and rescue missions ongoing.

Although Laura may be weakening somewhat, it is still a dangerous system heading north and likely to retain flash flooding potential well into the weekend going into Arkansas/ TN/KN.