Significant Snow expected to fall across parts of the UK overnight, Your Area?

A very complex forecast tonight for sure. We’ve already had significant snowfall across parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England. Parts of Burnley, Skipton and Colne have been particularly badly affected by fairly heavy snowfall this evening, with 15cm falling above 300 metres, 2-5cm at altitudes between 100 and 300 metres. Here, roads are becoming increasingly impassible and some stranded vehicles have been reported in the area.

The following video shows heavy snow currently falling in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Through the remainder of the evening, snow showers in these areas will begin to ease as the focus for snowfall turns to Wales and the West Midlands. Shropshire, Powys, down to the Valleys and South West Midlands by dawn. Here, expect a scattered 1-5cm of snowfall. Elsewhere mostly dry and frosty. Early tomorrow this snowfall will head towards southern England, however the precipitation will become very scattered in nature. Nontheless, some parts of Southern England may see a scattered 1-4cm of snowfall during Monday day. Later on Monday, this will tend to head southwards towards the south coast and become increasingly scattered in nature. Elsewhere across the bulk of the UK there will be a tendency for drier conditions through the day.

Later on Monday evening there is a risk of an additional area of snow across the East Midlands, this could produce a scattered 2-4cm across parts of the East Midlands, South Yorkshire. However, there is considerable uncertainty with regards to the positioning of this next feature. So stay tuned to our updates & local radio updates etc nearer the time.

Our risk map below highlights where there is a risk of snow in the coming few hours.