UK snow early taste of winter forecast

Early taste of Winter late next week with Snow Flurries Predicted for parts of the UK

A real drop in temperature is forecast in around 7 days time, with the computer models predicting a stark drop in temperature by around next Friday. The change will likely bring with it a significant amount of frost into the weekend commencing the 27th and yes, the risk of some hill snow in the north. The south and west will likely remain on the drier side of things with fewer showers, which will primarily be of rain to lower levels. However across Scotland and Northern England, there’s a chance that showers could begin to fall as sleet and snow on high ground for a time and accumulate on very high ground into next weekend, certainly the most significant snowfall of the season so far.

Preliminary Snow Risk Map Next Weekend (Via @UKWX_)

UK Snow next week early winter taste forecast

To lower levels, just a risk of some rain showers, which may produce some sleet and the odd flurry on the Pennines for example. For all though it will be very cold for the time of year with temperature anomalies something like 4 to 6C colder than you would usually expect. As winds will be quite light, temperatures could drop quite low overnight, potentially below freezing into the weekend of the 27th/28th overnight, however there is some uncertainty as to exact temperatures. If you have any outdoor plans for next weekend, especially in the north, I’d certainly keep a close eye on the weather forecast.

Needless to say, it will still be colder than average by this time next week to all other areas who wont pick up the snowfall. And it will also be dry with not much in the way of rain. Definitely a colder outlook later next week compared to recent weeks however.