Will Leicester be forced into Local Lockdown “within days”?

Whilst the number of new daily cases and deaths continue to come down across the UK (901 new cases and 36 confirmed covid19 related deaths today), some local areas are still experiencing disproportionately high infection rates.

Leicester, Liverpool and parts of the North East of England are currently in that category – experiencing a high number of cases and local flare ups. Claudia Webbe, Leicester East MP, told Leicester Live that she believes her constituency should be put into a “local lockdown”.

She urged “”Schools have had to close in Leicester East because of coronavirus and a supermarket had to close. We know the problem is in Leicester East, not spread across the city… I don’t know how it would work but they have to implement a local lockdown.”

A high BAME population, suggested to be disproportionately highly affected by Covid19, exists in Leicester, which may be promoting high statistics in this region. It is not possible to suggest what the chance of a local lockdown will be, at this stage. If any further surge in cases occurs, Leicester may be the first city in the UK to go into a local lockdown by the end of this week.

Many have also raised practical concerns about local lockdown, including Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, who struggles to see how it could be effectively enforced.

Do you think Local Lockdowns would be effective? 

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If a local lockdown is initiated, more concentrated covid19 prevention measures could take place. This may include more vigorous testing, including testing potentially “everyone”, in the area, as suggested by Krishna Ramkhelawon, director of public health for Southend-on-Sea Council.