Face masks COMPULSORY on Tenerife & Lanzarote Beaches

The Spanish government recently released updated information regarding the wearing of face masks on Lanzarote & Tenerife beaches in the Canary islands.

It is currently compulsory to wear face masks in all public settings in the area. Up until yesterday, the Canary islands (inc Lanzarote & Tenerife), had been some of the few places not to enforce this rule, however, new legislation issued yesterday attempts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in this area and places more emphasis on mask wearing in these zones.

It is noted, however, that when one is stationary, they are permitted to wear a mask, i.e. when in the water or during sunbathing. A government spokesman said “The owners of the establishments, spaces and premises must guarantee compliance”.

Do you agree with these new measures?

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