Indian Summer on the way to the British Isles

Soaring, unusually warm temperatures have been forecast for much of next week with day time highs stretching well into the 20s for England and Wales with the potential for maximums of up to 25C later in the week and into the weekend, almost 10 Degrees warmer than what you would expect at this time of the year!

It’s fairly cold right now however temperatures will return to average on Monday before climbing above average for Tuesday and the rest of the week. A typical temperature value will be 23C for England and 13-19C elsewhere. These summer-like temperatures will only increase into the weekend if anything as that is when some computer models indicate something of a “plume” of very warm air to reach the UK. Next weekend temperatures could potentially reach 25 to 27C which is very unusual for the UK for mid October.

Much of mainland England and Wales will remain dry with lengthy sunny spells but there will be always more of an Atlantic influence out west for Scotland and Ireland where it will be windier and wetter. There may be more widespread rain for a time affecting larger parts of the country through Thursday, potentially limiting temperatures on this day. However apart from this and up in the north west it looks very warm, and mostly sunny through much of next week, especially the weekend however.