One last burst of SUMMER… Temperatures of 25C forecast next week in the UK Long Range Weather

There is some uncertainty regarding this forecast, however there is some good agreement now that temperatures of 20-25C are possible across England and Wales later next week and into the weekend of the 13th and 14th of October as high pressure asserts itself across central Europe, allowing warm southerly winds to flow up from Spain and Portugual into the UK.

Figure 1. High pressure and unusually warm southerly winds affecting the UK next Saturday

Before we get there though, it’s a very wet and cold day tomorrow across England and Wales with temperatures of just 7 or 8C and spells of rain, clearer further north west though with some sunshine. It’s into next week when temperatures return back to normal, and then perhaps above average later in the week. It’s partly thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Lesley which will be pumping up some unusually warm “tropical” air late next week into the weekend of the 13th / 14th.

Temperatures are likely to be significantly above average with the potential for 25 or even 26C if lengthy spells of sunshine occur- however there is a little uncertainty about the exact temperatures. This could well be the last proper burst of “summer” before the descent to winter gets all too real however.