Uranus will be visible to the naked eye across the UK tonight

.. Given that you get clear skies. Thankfully most of us away from northern, western or eastern coasts will see largely clear skies across England and Ireland tonight, that means there’s a good chance of catching a glimpse of Uranus in the air.

Severe Weather Updates’ Guide to witnessing the Spectacle.

    • 1. Look towards the east north east, on a compass that would be about 70 degrees, to find the moon. The moon rises about 7:10pm so will still be fairly close to the horizon for about 90 minutes, so by 9pm or so it should be a decent height in the sky for you to clearly find where it is if you are unsure on your bearings.
    • 2. Look a little to the left of the moon to find Uranus. It should be visible there, however please allow 15 minutes or so for your eyes to adjust to the low lighting levels, and finally be patient. For most of us in land there will be a significant chance of clear skies, however there will be some cloud, so there’s a good chance of seeing the planet given that you’re patient enough. So grab a cuppa, and enjoy the opportunity… However in Northern Scotland, where you’ll be affected by snow showers, not much chance.