The EU has banned Spanish heatwaves from entering the UK

Wonder why Summer is so shocking? The EU has just now stated that it will be disallowing the UK to receive heatwaves from Spain.

Year after year, the UK has been enjoying hot plumes of air from Spain and South France, however the EU has ruled this out from happening again under shock new legislation

On Weather Forecasts, as you see that hot red air moving up from Spain and France, it will magically begin to dissipate and peter out as it heads towards the British Isles.

There are mixed opinions up and down the UK, whereas some don’t mind paying the 500 billion per year fee to keep the hot plumes, others say they don’t mind. “I’m well p***** off Dave, I’m gonna have to have 50 beers a day rather than 70, as it will be 5 degrees colder.”

EU officials say it’s the right thing to do. However the Spanish have complained, stating that now that the UK will be colder, more drunken Brits will be attracted to the Spanish resorts. Also, it will be even hotter there, as the air will be trapped from moving North into the UK, meaning that not only will there be more tourists, but more holiday’s from hell featuring A&E visits due to passing out at 11am in the Sun the night after being on the tap.

What do you think? Let us know in the facebook comments.

Please note this post alone is simply a bit of fun, satire, humor, please don’t take it seriously, this is a non political weather page!