Flying ants mistaken for rainfall on UK Weather technology

There have been so many flying ants across the UK recently that they are now showing up on the rainfall radars!

As you can see below (Credit: Netweather) patches of light blue, indicating the lightest rainfall possible on the scale, has been recorded in parts of South East England, interesting here is where flying ant activity is at it’s highest.

Also, Met4cast, a reputable forecasting site on Facebook (can be found here) posted this morning, that “the light blue currently showing up on the rainfall radars isn’t rain, but instead swarms of flying ants!”.

There has been an influx recently of flying ants across southern Britain, so this is certainly not completely out of the question! Rainfall radars send waves out into the atmosphere, where are reflected by rainfall, and receivers detect how much as been reflected. Could flying ants possibly be reflecting these waves at such a big scale! That is beyond our judgement to tell. Nevertheless, our lovely flying ants strike again.